Dear Judges, Association Members, Court families, Partners, Colleagues, Friends..
Hope all is well with you and your families.
We, the Association of Law Secretaries to Justices of the Supreme and Surrogates’ Courts in the City of New York, are finally ready and excited to have our next dinner, after enduring two years of the pandemic with no in-person activity, and we of course will be honoring all those selected in 2020 as our awardees, along with six (6) former board members who became judges over that time as our gavel recipients.
Many thanks to those of you who attended our 2019 dinner which honored Administrative Judge Desmond Green, along with Hon. Debra Kaplan and Hon. Robert Torres.
We invite all of you to join us in this celebration, also noting 52 years of the history of the Association.
The date is Thursday, June 23, 2022 6 pm to 9 pm at The View at Battery Park, 1 Battery Plaza, New York, NY
(lower Manhattan near St. Island Ferry; # 1 train to South Ferry; #4/5 train to South Ferry, then 4 min walk).
The format will be a festive in-person cocktail reception gala including a brief awards program and installation of the new slate of officers for 2022 to 2024.
Please reach out to your County Representatives and see Email invite that you should have received (info imbedded below). (Best to RSVP/obtain ticket by May 27, 2022) and please forward to others. I look forward to seeing you on June 23, 2022.
Thank you & Have A Lovely Day!
Very Best,
Nadine Johnson, Esq.,
President, Association of Law Secretaries to Justices of the Supreme and Surrogates’ Courts in the City of New York
The Association of Law Secretaries to the Justices
of the Supreme and Surrogates’ Courts
in the City of New York
cordially invites you to attend its
Thursday, June 23, 2022 │ 6:00 – 9:00 P.M.
The View at Battery Park │One Battery Plaza│ New York, New York 10004
2020 Recipients of the William Goodstein Memorial Award
For Distinguished Service to the Court
Honorable George J. Silver
Former Deputy Chief Administrative Judge for the New York City Courts
Honorable Doris M. Gonzalez
Administrative Judge for Civil Term, Bronx County Supreme Court
Honorable Wayne M. Ozzi
Justice of the Supreme Court, Richmond County
2020 Recipient of the Faith O’Neal Memorial Award
for Distinguished Service to the Association
Cynthia Parache-Brito
Former President of the Association (2018-2020)
2020 Recipient of the Joseph L. Forstadt Memorial Award
for Distinguished Service to the Association
Lauren Boyle
Former Project Manager, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
eDiscovery Project Coordinator at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
2020 Gavel Recipients**
Honorable John R. Higgitt
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court,
Appellate Division, First Judicial Department
Honorable Claudia Lanzetta
Judge, Civil Court of the City of New York,
Queens County
Honorable Derefim B. Neckles
Judge, Civil Court of the City of New York,
Queens County
2021 Gavel Recipients**
Honorable Cassandra A. Johnson
Judge, Civil Court of the City of New York,
Queens County
Honorable Hasa A. Kingo
Judge, Civil Court of the City of New York,
New York County
Honorable Inga O’Neale
Judge, Civil Court of the City of New York,
Kings County
*The Annual Dinner will also serve as the Annual Meeting of the Members, at which time the election of officers and installation of directors will take place.
**Recipients of the Association’s Gavel are former board members who’ve rendered distinguished service to the Association
Thursday, June 23, 2022
The View at Battery Park
One Battery Plaza
New York, New York 10004
Cocktail Reception 6:00 P.M.
Program 7:15 P.M.
Cocktail reception-style dinner resumes after program
Cover Charge:
$150 if payment received on or before May 27, 2022
$160 if payment received after May 27, 2022
Nadine C. Johnson, President
Dinner Co-Chairs:
Lauren Jones, Scott Krompinger & Alice Tam Tien,
Association of Law Secretaries to the Justices of the
Supreme and Surrogates’ Courts in the City of New York
The View at Battery Park
One Battery Plaza | New York, New York 10004
(accessible via the # 1 train to South Ferry; #4/5 train to South Ferry, then 4 min walk)
Thursday, June 23, 2022 | 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Dinner - $160 per person (no additional cost for dues)
If payment received on or before May 27, 2022:
Dinner - $150 per person (no additional cost for dues)
Annual Dinner Reservation
Home Address:
Home Phone:
Law Secretary to Justice or Title:
Court or Business Address:
Office Phone:
Indicate if Kosher is Desired:
Make checks payable to: The Association of Law Secretaries
RSVP by May 27, 2022
Please send the enclosed reservation form
and your check to your local representative:
New York: Lauren A. Jones, Esq. -
Queens: Alla A. Ageyeva, Esq. -
Kings: Toshia McKnight, Esq. -
Staten Island: Eva-Marie Cusack, Esq. -
Bronx: Alice Tam Tien, Esq. -
OR: mail to:
Steven Helfont, Esq.
25 Beaver Street, Suite 1128
New York, New York 10004
OR: Pay via Venmo: @AssociationofLawSecretariesNY