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Updates From the Front

by Cassandra Johnson

Retirement Incentive: Senator Martinez introduced a retirement incentive bill with Senator Harckham as the prime co-sponsor. The bill has been referred to the Senate Rules Committee. There is a “same as” or corresponding bill in the Assembly introduced by Assembly Member Abinanti. Assembly Member Abinanti’s bill is in the Governmental Employees Committee of the State Assembly. Attached are the bills introduced by Senator Martinez and Assembly member Abinanti. There are reportedly questions as to whether the Governor will sign any such legislation.

Salary Increase Deferral Extended by Governor: As you may know Governor Cuomo extended the deferral of salary increases. These increases were to be effective April 1, 2020, but were deferred due to the budgetary impact of the Covid19 pandemic. It's understood that longevity payments that are due will also be withheld. The Division of the Budget will reassess the State’s fiscal condition in 90 days and issue further recommendations by October 1, 2020.

In the meantime, unions have separately filed grievances.

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